Hati-S wireless stock colours and date

X-raypad QuestionsCategory: Hati MouseHati-S wireless stock colours and date
asked 3 years ago

Hi, when are you expecting the Hati-S restock as you said it might be coming this week?
Also are the colours only going to be red and aqua or will there be more of the black galaxy colour available please? Thank you.

8 Answers
Cryptimag answered 3 years ago

It would be nice to get some answers on this as it’s been cryptic as hell to get any concrete answer on this mouse. Like Fuck 

answered 3 years ago

Absolutely, it’s always so vague. It’d just be good to know exactly what the restock will be and a firm date for when they (at least hope to) have it rather than “maybe some weeks”.
G-Wolves twitter apparently said multiple colours are coming including restocks on their original colour but not seen any stockists actually confirm this?
X-raypad staff, can you please give us information and answers to these basic questions? Thanks 

Cryptimag answered 3 years ago

My favorite is a month or so ago when they decided to reply to all of the “when is it going back in stock?” posts at once with “in 5 minutes” lmao 

Holly Kwang Staff answered 3 years ago

There is no definite time now, please follow our Twitter to get update 🙂

Gary Diaz answered 3 years ago

Hi Holly, thanks for the answer. Can you at least let us know if there will still be black available or will it only be the red and blue? Thanks

Holly Kwang Staff answered 3 years ago

Yes the black available in the near future. 

Gary Diaz answered 3 years ago

Thank you! Will order as soon as it returns

Holly Kwang Staff answered 3 years ago

Thanks for your support!