Aqua Controll II slowing down at middle part

X-Raypad QuestionsCategory: Other questionsAqua Controll II slowing down at middle part
teyxzc asked 1 month ago

Hi how can my Aqua Control II slowing down at middle part, its really effect my performance. I have wash/clean it but nothing change. Use it from Feb till now. Is that normal? cause usually it caused by dust but should turn back to normal after cleaning.

3 Answers
Jiusonz Staff answered 1 month ago

What is your order number? Long term use in the same location may be slowed down by dust.

teyxzc replied 1 month ago

I have cleaned it several time but nothing change

teyxzc replied 1 month ago

Hi my order is: Order #154535

teyxzc answered 1 month ago

Hi my order is: Order #154535

James Mai Staff answered 1 month ago

Thank you for your reply. There are many factors that affect mouse pads, such as dust, temperature, humidity, daily wear and tear, frequency of use, and so on. Suggesting using an extra copy of skates may alleviate this.