Cancel and refund order #177044

X-Raypad QuestionsCategory: Other questionsCancel and refund order #177044
Daniel Tran asked 3 weeks ago

Hey, I recently tried to order and website froze, I waited for confirmation email, did not come. So I tried to cancel the order and get refund, order cancelled but no refund. Do I have to wait some time to get the refund?

1 Answers
Holly Kwang Staff answered 3 weeks ago

“Order cancelled by customer. Order status changed from Pending payment to Cancelled.” It seems that the delay in payment has been cancelled. 
Please wait for the payment to be refunded. If you have any questions, please contact us again.

Holly Kwang Staff replied 2 weeks ago

Please check if the deduction was successful at first. Because this status shows that the payment was not successful, we have not received your payment from the beginning.

Daniel Tran replied 2 weeks ago

Hey, still waiting for the refund. Is it possible that you could check into it?