How to clean THOR mousepad

X-Raypad QuestionsCategory: Other questionsHow to clean THOR mousepad
ralvarezferrera asked 2 months ago

I pruchased a THOR mousepad 3 years ago, intially it was very smooth but now it has become a little slow and inconsistent, I wonder if this problem would be solved by deep cleaning it, if so, what’s the best way to clean it?

2 Answers
James Mai Staff answered 2 months ago

Thank for your asking. Deep cleaning may cause irreversible effects on the mouse pad. I recommend gently wiping with a wrung out damp towel.

Holly Kwang Staff answered 2 months ago

We do not recommend deep cleaning as it may damage the surface. But since you have been using it for three years, it is normal for the speed to slow down. 
Before replacing the mouse pad, you can try changing the faster mouse skates to check whether help to speed.