Will there be more AC Pro Sizes soon?

X-Raypad QuestionsCategory: SizeWill there be more AC Pro Sizes soon?
cybertrash asked 2 months ago

I tried out the Aqua Control Pro and fell in love with the feel of it!
I would love to get one in 1000x400mm but had to realize that exactly this model lacks many size options.

Are there any plans to release more options soon?
Or is it maybe possible to request a custom size?

Sadly neither the AC+ nor the ACII quite hit the spot for me.

Tanks in advance and best regards!

1 Answers
James Mai Staff answered 2 months ago

Thank for your asking. The AC PRO is not currently available in this size. Because this series of mouse pads can’t be rolled up, the shipping cost would be expensive if the size is too big And it’s easy to be crushed.