wear down over time?

X-raypad QuestionsCategory: Custom Matswear down over time?
Johannes Degner asked 12 months ago

Greetings. I am using a custom mousepad, coming from here, for almost a year now.
I started to notice an area where my mouse wouldnt track anymore.
I already tried cleaning it with warm water, which didnt help and my mouse or other elements dont seem to be the problem, because its only on that specific spot.
The area is also turned a bit “white” or lighter in colour.
Is there something like an expected lifetime of the product? Are there certain ways to “repair” the mousepad? Did i do something wrong while using it?

2 Answers
Holly Kwang Staff answered 12 months ago

Hi, what’s your mousepad? Do you have old order number?

Johannes Degner replied 12 months ago

That would be #123260. It is a custom one.

Johannes Degner replied 12 months ago

That would be #123260. It is a custom one.

Holly Kwang Staff answered 12 months ago

Jiuson contacted you via email yesterday, please check and reply, sometimes the email in junk folder.