Are Obsidian dots on polyester mousepads safe to use?

X-raypad QuestionsCategory: Other questionsAre Obsidian dots on polyester mousepads safe to use?
itmestan asked 2 months ago

hi guys, quick question! are the obsidian dot skates and regular skates safe to use in hybrid style polyester mousepad? like the LGG venus or aqua control 2? or are those also considered cloth?

1 Answers
Michael Staff answered 2 months ago

It can be used, but it may cause the mouse pad to wear out faster and may affect its lifespan.

itmestan replied 2 months ago

thanks for the quick reply! I’m really liking the obsidian dots but I don’t want to be limited to just cloth pads. would you ever release another type of control dot that’s not as hardened?