Difference between Adhesive Removal Wipes and Alcohol Pad with Obsidian Mouse Skates?

X-raypad QuestionsCategory: Other questionsDifference between Adhesive Removal Wipes and Alcohol Pad with Obsidian Mouse Skates?
dshbdfjfg asked 5 months ago

When applying the Obsidian Mouse Skates what is the difference between the Adhesive Removal Wipes and Alcohol Pad as they both have the same instructions on the back but have different names

1 Answers
Holly Kwang Staff answered 5 months ago

The Adhesive Removal Wipes, cannot be used as alcohol cotton because it has corrosiveness, Suitable for adhesive that is difficult to remove. Use on the bottom, cannot be used on the upper shell. 
Use (1) is Adhesive removal, then use (2) is alcohol pad.