Logitech G640 Clone

X-raypad QuestionsCategory: Custom MatsLogitech G640 Clone
Phoenix asked 2 months ago

I’ve spent the last 7-8 years on a medium SteelSeries QcK (320 x 270 x 2 mm). Recently, I’ve tried most of the Logitech mouse pad line and found that I enjoyed the 3mm thickness of the G640 best. I would just keep the G640, but it’s longer and wider than I’d like (460 x 400 x 3), and I think having stitched edges would be a nice bonus. I’d like to order a custom sized pad that has a similar feel to the G640 (material, resistance, comfort, etc.). Which pad comes closest?

1 Answers
Jiusonz Staff answered 2 months ago

I will contact you via email. Thank you!